Logos &
Printed Material

Norwood Designs
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Here are some examples of logos and printed materials I developed.
Click on each picture to view a larger image.
When a company entrusts me with the design of  their logo, I take it very seriously. I interview you, take information that describes your business, sometimes just a few words or a phrase, and create positive, descriptive imagery. Then I find or design the font and typography that accurately represents your company. Do you want bold and established, easy and accessible, high-tech and cutting edge, or youthful and edgy?  I can provide several variations or themes depending on your needs and your budget. 
All logos shown are the property of their respective holders


Below are four short slideshows presenting my favorite logos I designed for clients. Some you may have seen around town, or in ads, a couple were never used but I liked them. Click on each to view. Thanks for viewing.

                  Truck Template
Do you need a vinyl wrap for your vehicle. I can design an eye catching wrap to promote your business. The image on the left is the mock-up and on the right is the actual truck.
                  Truck overlay_P.jpg
Click here to
                  enlarge image!
These images show the debossed leather cover for the book
 Evolution of the

In Competition - 1965-2010
Click here to
                  enlarge image!
Click Here to View a Larger
                  Version. The image on the left was designed for the Opel Association of North America. It was used on mugs, mouse pads and tee-shirts. 

The right hand image was used on the poster The Battle of the Titans available from Autosports Marketing Associates, Ltd. Click
                  Here to View a Larger Version.
These covers were designed to give the authors a three dimensional visualization of their organizational ideas.

The picture to the right was created for Phelps Industrial Products, Inc. to announce  their Family Crab Fest.
Click here to see a larger image
This composite image was designed for DRS Signal Recording Technologies, Inc. manufacturers of defense technology, They needed an image that showed the versatility of their equipment. Click Here to View a
                  Larger Version.
Click Here to View a
                  Larger Version. The bill to the left was designed for a beach towel for the Bank of Maryland. It needed to look like the then "new" 100 dollar bill. It had to be designed to print clearly on terry cloth.
Snapshots from the Classroom
Snapshots from the Classroom Bookmark Snapshots from the Classroom Bookmark BackThese are the book covers and bookmarks for a book series by Bob
Snapshots from the Classroom II
These book covers were designed for NEMA. The Little Book of Parenting is a brief guide to parenting designed for the young first time parent. In a Flash is a companion book to the film of the same name, designed for children 8 to 12. Click Here to View a Larger
                  Version. Click Here to View a
                  Larger Version.
Click Here to View a Larger Version. Designed for Interoffice Express LTD, the image on the left was used instead of a photo to show the detail of the dial and its markings.

The flier to the right shows the frustrations of and solutions to office computing. Click Here to View a
                  Larger Version.
This cover, designed for Phelps Industrial Products, Inc. presented many design difficulties. The customer wanted to show the various grades of gasket material that are designated by color. They also wanted the logo of the manufacturer and their own logo. This added four logo colors to the four gasket colors. Plus add two color photos showing two more material types and colors to the mix. The trick was to arrange the colors so that each group remained separated and on a neutral background. Fortunately one of the gaskets was gray!  Click Here to View a Larger
Click Here to View a Larger Version. The label on the left was designed for Jilly's Chilis, a homemade salsa, it was sold in local chain stores .

The ad on the right was designed for a novelty hot sauce. I created both the label for the hot sauce and the ad. Click Here to View a Larger

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Norwood Designs
Mark Norwood - norwooddesigns@verizon.net
Norwood Designs
Norwood Designs
P.O. Box 81
Randallstown, Maryland 21133
last updated 3/21/2019

©Copyright, Norwood Designs 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 all rights reserved. If you wish to use any of the images on this web site for private or public use, you must contact Mark Norwood of Norwood Designs first. Signed, high quality reprints of images in the Original Art gallery, on this page and certain other images in this web site may purchased by e-mailing Mark Norwood. Reprints are available in 8"X 10", 11"X14"and 11"X 17". Describe the image(s) that interests you and your preferred size. Custom paper and sizes available.
All logos and trademarks are the property of their respective holders