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With an eye toward ergonomic considerations, Norwood Design's unique combination of talents in hardware design and aesthetic creativity leads to well thought out design.
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SPortCount 35 This design study was developed for SportCount's redesign of their SportCount sports watch worn on your finger. Design studies like this allow the client to visualize a design before committing money towards physical prototypes or tooling.
This is another of many design studies for SportCount. An example of the one of final versions can be seen here SportCount 36

Again, this is one of many design studies for SportCount. An example of the one of final versions can be seen here
Colors and textures can be easily changed to show different options of color schemes and materials

SportCount Design Study
Design studies can be as simple or as complex as needed.
This is a design for a gondola for a type of Farris Wheel called an Expo Wheel. This design replaced the original design and allowed for flexible seating arrangements and more passengers. Gondola
The Environbottle was intended to help reduce waste by remaining useful after the product it contained was used.The rendering on the left is photo realistic the rendering on the right is a solid rendering.
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                  Larger Version. On the left is a design prototype of a Light Visor created by Norwood Designs for BioBrite, Inc. The hand built prototype housing led to the wire-frame and rendering on the right. The mechanical design was done by MacLean-Blevins & Associates, Inc. This product is used to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and was worn by the character Walt Kupfer (Moultrie Patten) in Northern Exposure, episode 5-17, titled Una Volta in L'Inverno.
Northern Exposure is copyright © Universal Studios
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                  Larger Version.
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                  a Larger Version. Click Here to View a Larger Version. Click Here to View a
                  Larger Version.
I created the housing and performed the human factors engineering for Sportcount, Inc. This swimmer's lap counter is waterproof and is worn of the index finger of the athlete. Although originally intended for swimmers, it can be used by any one who's training involves laps and lap time. The first image is one of many suggested designs including physical models and graphic representations. The second image is the final design. The last image  is one provided to the sports outfitter as an idea for a promotional item. You can purchase the latest version of the SportCount at
I proposed this folding light box for treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder. It was designed to be a small easy to carry briefcase sized device. I designed it to replace the original SunRay by SunBox.

Proposed SunRay for SAD
Click Here to View a Larger Version. This rendering was part of a design proposal for a digital version of the SunRise Clock™ by BioBrite. The clocks can be found at
Norwood Designs was responsible for the design of the housing and key pad for the "Abaco Joe" frozen drink machine. MacLean-Blevins & Associates, Inc. was responsible for the layout and mechanical design. Click Here to View a Larger Version.

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Norwood Designs
Norwood Designs
P.O. Box 81
Randallstown, Maryland 21133
last updated 1/1/2017

©Copyright, Norwood Designs 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 all rights reserved. If you wish to use any of the images on this web site for private or public use, you must contact Mark Norwood of Norwood Designs first. Signed, high quality reprints of images in the Original Art gallery, on this page and certain other images in this web site may purchased by e-mailing Mark Norwood. Reprints are available in 8"X 10", 11"X14"and 11"X 17". Describe the image(s) that interests you and your preferred size. Custom paper and sizes available.
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