
Norwood designs
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Please click on each image to view a larger version.

The next 11 images are stereograms or cross-eyed 3D images. To see them in 3D, click on each image to make it larger. Then, cross your eyes slightly and bring the adjacent shapes together. Suddenly the image will "pop" into 3D. If you can't make it work for you right away, be patient and keep trying. Charleston, WV III Tile ss 3D final Dark 19 X 13 
1-4-1 SL 1-4-1 SL Looking up on Eutaw Street Distort
                  Here to View a Larger Version.
New Women on rhe Beach Click Here to View a Larger

This is just creepy. This is yet another stereographic image that can be seen in 3D if you cross your eyes. 
Right through the Heart
This is a red shift 3D image. If you have the glasses you will see the blood drops coming toward you.

This image can be seen in
3D using traditional red/blue 3D glasses.
I decided to resurrect this rendering after 20 years and give it new life as a 3D anaglyphic red/blue image. I first rendered this image in March 1995. A pair of red/blue glasses will make it appear 3D.
                  Stereograph This is a stereograph. The picture can be viewed as a 3D image.

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Norwood Designs
Mark Norwood - norwooddesigns@verizon.net
Norwood Designs
Norwood Designs
P.O. Box 81
Randallstown, Maryland 21133
last updated 8/7/2018

©Copyright, Norwood Designs 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 all rights reserved. If you wish to use any of the images on this web site for private or public use, you must contact Mark Norwood of Norwood Designs first. Signed, high quality reprints of images in the Original Art gallery, on this page and certain other images in this web site may purchased by e-mailing Mark Norwood. Reprints are available in 8"X 10", 11"X14"and 11"X 17". Describe the image(s) that interests you and your preferred size. Custom paper and sizes available.
All logos and trademarks are the property of their respective holders