Solutions for All Your Design Needs
Norwood Designs, P.O. Box 49, Butler MD,
Photo Realistic Renderings
Mechanical Designs
Industrial Designs
                          & Print Media
Original Art
Contact Me for Industrial Design, Graphic Design
& Mechanical Design, Logos, Fliers, Ads and Web Pages

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The 25th Anniversary of My Invention of a "New" Oximeter Probe Design.

If you've been to your doctor or the hospital, one of the first things they do is place a clip on your finger to read the amount of oxygen in your blood. Did you know that the clip that they used was based on a patented design I invented in 1992? Here are 3D images I created of the original design. (I wish I had had a 3D CAD system while I designed the oximeter probe.) Modern pulse oximeter probes have no cords because all the electronics are inside. In 1992, the computer needed to calculate blood oxygen level was the size of a desktop computer!

Recent Product Development and Release!

I recently worked with  OnYou on their OnYou personal cell phone holder. This product allows you to carry your iPhone 6 or 6S on your arm while you are active.

Your phone can be removed easily with a simple twist, but remains securely attached as you exercise. Visit their website to learn more.

I can help you with your business at any stage.
My multidisciplinary approach to project design and development and product promotion will benefit almost any project or organization.
Click on each picture to view a larger image.
SportCount III
                  Design Study Got an Idea?
Maybe it is just a napkin sketch or a simple description. You need a design that will attract attention and interest. My industrial design experience can give you that design.
Sidemarker See Your Idea!
You need to show people how your idea works inside and out. How would it look?. 3D renderings can demonstrate just how the parts fit .
SportCount III
                  Design Study
Curved Reflector
                  Solar Collector Play with Your Idea!
With a computer generated rendering I can quickly change colors, components, viewpoint and lighting.
We can even make it move!
SportCount IV
K-Lite Produce Your Idea!
You  need the technical experience to produce your idea. I can create the mechanical design including material selection and technical drawings.
Laser Housing
                  Logo Brand Your Idea!
You need to create your identity, how the world sees you, your company, your idea. Let me create your logo and corporate identity
Hot Sauce Bottle
Ear Radio Promote Your Idea!
Sell your idea, your business, yourself. Let me design the web graphics, website, brochures, labeling, marking and design your imprint.
Phelps Truck Template Wrap Your Delivery Van or Car!
Do you need a vinyl wrap for your vehicle? I can design an eye catching wrap to promote your business. The image on the left is the mock-up and on the right is the actual truck.
                  Truck overlay_P.jpg
IR Assembly Challenge Us!
I provide many other services including DFMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) programs, ergonomic design and human factors studies. For more information call or e-mail me
Folding Basket
                  Here to Go to The Art Gallery
Original Art.
Click Here to Go to The Art Gallery

Award Winning Design
Toy Tank
 Click Here to See the Details of the Award
Desktop Engineering's Cubicle Toy Design Contest Winner!

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Norwood Designs
Mark Norwood -
Norwood Designs
Norwood Designs
  Randallstown, Maryland 21133
last updated 1/14/2025

©Copyright, Norwood Designs 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 all rights reserved. If you wish to use any of the images on this web site for private or public use, you must contact Mark Norwood of Norwood Designs first. Signed, high quality reprints of images in the Original Art gallery, on this page and certain other images in this web site may purchased by e-mailing Mark Norwood. Reprints are available in 8"X 10", 11"X14"and 11"X 17". Describe the image(s) that interests you and your preferred size. Custom paper and sizes available.
All logos and trademarks are the property of their respective holders